Family Peace Building

RAILS provides education about family peace building, family violence prevention and about the impact of family violence on visas.   

Family Law


Legal processes for family mediation, domestic violence, separation, divorce, overseas marriages, and property settlement.

Laws about parents raising children 

Family Violence Prevention

Peace-Building Action and Training

Toolkit and Pledge of Ethics to lead your community peace-building and family violence prevention. Contact for Peace-Building training courses and information 

Peace-Building Toolkit

Peace-Building Pledge 

Keeping Safe - Info Sheet


Men Managing Change - family peace-building messages made in Men’s Sheds

Micro-movies promoting peaceful ways to combat conflict and build family relationships. The videos emerged out of a two-year conversation with newly settled communities about preventing family violence, and workshops exploring men's understanding of their rights, cultural attitudes and change.

They are available in English and nine other languages.

  • Adapt - strong men learning about equality

Versions in AmharicDinkaFrenchKirundiOromoSomaliSudanese ArabicTigrinya and Swahili.

  • Make it right - strength and control can be violence and break up your family

Versions in AmharicDinkaFrenchKirundiOromoSomaliSudanese ArabicTigrinya and Swahili.

Versions in AmharicOromo and Tigrinya.

  • Move on - men staying strong and respectful after separation

Versions in AmharicDinkaFrenchKirundiOromoSomaliTigrinya and Swahili.


DV community dialogue - Help me!

'Help me!' is an educational kit that uses theatre to create safe ways to dialogue about family violence. Through exploring the characters and family dynamics in the drama, participants get to understand family violence more deeply, and create and test practical waysto respond.‘Help Me!‘ can be held as a workshop using the video and Facilitator’sGuide, or as a live ‘forum theatre’ performance.

  1. 'Help me!' workshop guide
  2. 'Help me!'  video


Songs about preventing family violence

  1. 'Storms' - Domestic violence (audio)
  2. 'Storms' - Domestic violence (music video)


DV Help lines raps

Raps in different languages about domestic violence help lines for men and women.

  1. Mens Help Line - Arabic (audio)
  2. Mens Help Line - Dinka (audio)
  3. Mens Help Line - English (audio)
  4. Domestic Violence Help Line (women) - Swahili (audio)
  5. Domestic Violence Help Line (women) - Dinka (audio)
  6. Domestic Violence Help Line (women) - English (audio)

Family Violence and Visas


Being granted permanent residency after separating from the sponsoring partner where there has been family violence, where there is a child of the relationship, or where the sponsoring partner has died.

Video fact sheet about the family violence provisions in the Migration Act 1994.

How family violence may affect a visa applicant or sponsor

Peace Building Training

RAILS, in partnership with community leaders, Multicultural Australia and South Community Hub, provides 'Family Peace-Building' training to support people to become leaders in peace-building and family violence prevention. The project was developed over years of deep consultation with multicultural community and faith leaders. 

Peace-Building Action and Training

Toolkit and Pledge of Ethics to lead your community peace-building and family violence prevention. 

Peace-Building Toolkit

Peace-Building Pledge 

Keeping Safe - Info Sheet

Contact for Peace-Building training courses and information: 

Learn about family, culture and law while learning English - Bee's Story

Family Peace

Kit with resources for improving English language skills while learning about family law.

  1. Family Peace overview
  2. Bee's story 1
  3. Bee's story 2
  4. Language teaching activities
  5. Tools for parents
  6. Facilitator manual
  7. Key word worksheets

Community Law Kit

Kit with resources to learn English language and the law. It includes a reader CD, a Law Book and a Learning Resource that explore practical approaches to everyday legal problems through drama, music and story.

'Community Law Kit'  is available through TAFE Queensland. You can read more about 'Community Law Kit'  in this document.

Our education resources contain general legal information, not professional legal advice on particular matters. If you need specific legal advice, see a registered migration agent or lawyer.

For any feedback, questions or comments, email